Thursday, May 23, 2013

Baby Gwen


This is what happens when we get bored.

Robotics Nationals

Seaperch Robotics

This is our Seaperch underwater robotics team. Starting in the back, left to right. Mr. Johnny Powell, Mr. Mark Livingston, My dad; Mr. Joe Tolin, and Mr. James Potter.

In the front, left to right.

Joshua Livingston, CJ Potter, Shelby Potter, Me; Abigail Tolin, Nathan Pachel, Noah Livingston, and Thomas Powell.
Obstacle Course: 2'nd place. Deep Water Transfer: 1'st place. Poster Presentation: 1'st place.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hey! It's been a while hasn't it. My old laptop broke down in October and now I have a really awesome Mac desktop that some wonderful friends gave us. Sadly, I can't post pictures to my blog because there's no place where I can put my memory card into the computer. I'll start posting from another computer later.